John Lewis - The Bear and Hare - 2013 Seasonal CGI Amazing coloured pencil drawings Tokyo City Symphony Luis Nieves - Baywood Red Light

1 February 2013

Dawn - A piece by Dimitar Tilev

Hi readers,

Whilst browsing the internet for inspiration I came across a visual created by Bulgarian digital artist Dimitar Tilev, on the CGsociety website. This piece was created using two programs, Autodesk 3Ds Max for the modelling and texturing and Vray for the lighting. 

There are several reasons that I really like this image, such as the emotion it evokes, capturing the magic of a sunrise with the warmth of the house, surrounded by the cold exterior. Note the clever choice of camera position making the house the focal point of the scene. 

Lastly, his attention to detail when creating this piece, such as the subtle randomness of the paving stones really add to the realism. On top of this the use of displacement aids in perfectly recreating the stone wall. 

It would be great to hear your comments on this image.

Ryan Blackburn - Media Productions

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